

Ginzo Saltには旬があります。季節ごとに少しずつ、味や香りが異なる完全天日塩をお楽しみください

塩杜氏 田野屋 銀象

about Ginzo Salt
水質に恵まれた土佐の海に面した工房。国内でも稀有な地下海水を引き込み、石油エネルギーを一切使わず太陽の力だけで結晶化させていく完全天日塩。時間と手間のかかるその過程では、お塩と多くの時間を共にしてきた職人だけがわかる「塩の声」を聞き、味わいや舌触り、口溶けそして余韻を設計します。効率や製造量に拘らない造り方であるが故、少量しか作る ことができません。塩杜氏・田野屋銀象のGINZO-SALTは、素材の力と可能性を最大限に引き出す、料理の引き立て役になるべくお造りしています。お使いになる素材や調理法に合わせてお選びいただければ幸いです。
The Sea, The Sun, and Five Senses
In our laboratory, facing the sea of Tosa which is blessed with water quality, we produce the sun-dried salt through the crystallization generated only by the power of the sun without using any petroleum energy. In the time-consuming and labor-intensive process, we listen to the “voice of salt” that only the artificers who have spent a lot of time with salt, design its taste, texture in the mouth, and afterglow. Naturally each cultivation volume stays modest as its priority is not the productive efficiency nor quantity. The salt by the “salt-brewer” Tanoya Ginzo is made to help enhance cooking by maximizing the power and potential of the ingredients.

Ginzo Salt has a seasonal flavor. Manufacturing time also depends on the change of daylight hours, temperature of the crystallization house. It takes a minimum of about two months in summer and a maximum of six months in winter. There are subtle differences in the taste and aroma. Even with the same salt, the taste that changes slightly depending on the season of preparation is also the real pleasure of sun-dried salt.