How to make Ginzo-salt
Ginzo-salt has started the salt production in a brand-new laboratory in April 2021. From the day we pour the seawater, we do not rest for a day, wake up with the rising sun, observe the salt, and make as many changes as necessary until the sun sets.The salt is a living thing for us. Two month is the shortest length of time we spend with each salt. We listen to the "voice" of salt, which changes daily depending on the weather, humidity, temperature and wind, and finish it according to the image.

原料は塩づくりにおいて世界唯一の「地下海水」。 工房のある高知県新居地区はすぐ近くに日本一の清流「仁淀川」が流れており水質にも恵まれている。 -Pumping the underground seawater- Our raw material is the world's only "underground seawater" in salt making. In the Nii district of Kochi prefecture where the laboratory is located, the clearest stream "Niyodo River" in Japan flows in the immediate vicinity, and its water quality is also blessed.

地下海水は通常の海水よりも塩分濃度が低い。Ginzo saltでは、その後の家庭で味や結晶をより正確にコントロールするため、ほんの1%=通常の海水と同等の濃度になるよう、太陽と風にあてて調整をする。 -1% Salinity adjustment - Underground seawater has a lower salinity than normal seawater. In Ginzo-salt, in order to control the taste and crystals more accurately at home after that, the concentration is adjusted to only 1% = the same concentration as normal seawater by exposing it to the sun and wind.

海水を杉材で作った「結晶箱」に注ぎ入れる。毎日必ずすべての結晶箱の様子を細かく観察し、味・香り・感触・色など五感を使い塩の「声」を聞くようにして育てる。 -Pouring the underground seawater- Pour seawater into a "crystal box" made of cedar wood. We observe the state of all crystal boxes in detail every day, and use the five senses such as taste, aroma, touch, and color to listen to the "voice" of salt.

室温が60度を超えることもある夏の工房風景。こまめに工房の開口部を調整し、風と室温のコントロールをする。美味しい塩造りには1日何度も手を入れ、時間をかける必要がある。 -The sun and wind, the hands of salt brewer- Summer laboratory scenery where the room temperature may exceed 60 degrees. Adjust the opening of the laboratory diligently to control the wind and room temperature. It takes time and effort to make delicious salt many times a day.

夏場は最短2ヶ月、冬は3ヶ月以上かけて理想の結晶に仕上げる。出来上がった結晶はニガリごとすくって収穫し、専用の袋に入れて遠心分離機にかける。 -Harvest - It takes a minimum of 2 months in the summer and 3 months or more in the winter to finish the ideal crystal. The finished crystals are scooped up and harvested together with bittern, placed in a special bag and centrifuged.